Broad in scope, his art ranges from contemporary cameos and portrait carvings to three-dimensional sculptures that are captivatingly alive in their exacting detail. His latest creations include the Wildlife Series, an abstraction of the patterns found in nature, and Visionary Gem Art, a series of larger gem sculptures that feature intaglio carving and the use of innovative optics.
Art is like religion for Pauly. “The Latin word religio means connection with God. One of the most precious aspects of my work is in the spiritual realm,” he tells. “Art is my connection to Spirit. Within me lies the talent to intuitively capture images and bring them to life. The pictures that flow through my mind’s eye move me to transform them into tangible symbols. One of the most powerful experiences for me is to meld an image I’ve been carrying inside with the corresponding stone. Its color, structure and form of speak to me.”
Carefully chosen for color and quality, each gemstone Pauly works with is meticulously formed and engraved to combine the dynamic of design with the uniqueness of the stone. Coming from a long line of master lapidaries, gem carving is in his blood, and living in Idar-Oberstein, Germany, Europe’s leading gem center, Pauly has access to the world’s finest material.
Along with his work in precious stones, Pauly has developed a reputation as a sculptor of life-size bronzes. Upon a visit to his hometown one would find that many of the fountains and monuments in the region are attributed to him.
Seeing himself within the long tradition of carving, Pauly views his work as a link between age-old mastery and the challenge for new, innovative creations. He identifies his artistic journey with the poem, “I Live My Life in Widening Circles,” by German poet Rainer Maria Rilke, delighting in living his life in circles that widen to include more people, more ideas and more experiences!